
dimanche 19 décembre 2010

Conditional Senten الجمله الشرطيه

الجمله الشرطيه ...
يوجد العديد من الطرق لتكوين جمله شرطيه باستخدام لو(if) ومن المهم فهم الاختلاف بين الجمل التى تعبر عن امكانيه التحقق والتى تعبر عن المواقف غير الحقيقيه

القاعده الاولى
IF + مضارع بسيط, will + inf
Heba: come on, Mona. If we hurry, we'll catch the half-past nine bus.
Mona: There's no rush, is there? If we miss it, there'll be another one in fifteen minutes.
التحدث عن حدث ممكن حدوثه وتحقيقه مستقبلا او نتيجه ممكنه مستقبلا – من وجهه نظر المتحدث - اواشتراط ممكن (سواء فى الحاضر او المستقبل) فهبه ومنى يمكن ان يلحقوا بالاتوبيس ويمكن ان يفوتوه.
Ø    If I find a jumper that suits you, I'll buy it for you.
Ø    If you can do the homework, give me a ring
Ø    If you can find my purse, I might buy you am ice-cream.
Ø    If you've never been to Wales, you should try to get there one day.
ويمكن استخدام القاعده الاولى للتعبير عن وظائف عديده مثل : عرض / اقتراح / تحذير/ تهديد :
Ø    If you do that again, I'll kill you (threat)
Ø    Careful! If you touch that, you'll burn yourself (warning)
Ø    I'll post the letter if you like. (Offer)
Ø    If you lend me £100, I'll love you forever. (Promise)

1-   نحن نعبر عن المستقبل فى حاله الاشتراط الممكن فى القاعده الاولى بزمن المضارع البسيط وليس المستقبل البسيط فنقول :
ØIf we'll hurry, we'll catch the busû              ØIf we hurry, we'll catch the busü
ولكن فى حاله الطلب ( request ) يمكننا ان نضع will فتكون
ØIf you'll just wait a moment, I'll find someone to help you.(=please wait a moment)
2-   يمكننا استخدام المضارع المستمر او المضارع التام فى القاعده الاولى بدلا من المضارع البسيط
Ø    If we're expecting visitor, the flat will need a good clean.
Ø    If you've finished with the computer, I'll put it away
3-   الاستخدام الرئيسى فى نتيجه الاشتراط فى الحاله الاولى بـ will ولكننا يمكن استخدام افعال ناقصه اخرى مثل can – might – should
Ø    If you haven't got a television, you can't watch it, can you?
Ø    If Henry jogs regularly, he might lose weight.
Ø    If Matthew is going to a job interview, he should wear a tie.
4-   If  يمكن استبدالها بـ unless ( = if … not ) او in case
Ø    I'll take my umbrella in case it rains.
Ø    Unless I hear from you, I'll arrive at 8 o'clock.
5-   فى حاله الاجابه القصيرة نبدا السؤال بالنتيجه وتكون الاجابه بـ yes, I will مثل :
Ø    Will you go to university if you pass your exam?
6-   اذا كانت if فى بدايه الجمله نضع ( , ) بعد نهايه الشرط وقبل النتيجه اما اذا كانت فى منتصف الجمله فلا نضع اى علامه
Ø    You won't pass the exams if you don't revise.
Ø    We'll come and see you on Sunday if the weather's good.
Ø    What will you do if you don't find a job?
Ø    If there isn't a hotel, where will you stay?
القاعده الثانيه
Rachel: would you like some cake, lessica?
Lessica: No thanks, if I ate cake, I'd get fat.
Rachel: but it's delicious.
Lessica: it looks delicious. If I had your figure, I'd eat the whole lot.
انا اكلت كيك وانا اصبحت شكلك  هما مواقف خياليه او غير حقيقيه
فليزا لا تنوى اكل الكيك وهى لم تصبح شكل راشيل.
If + ماض بسيط, would + inf.
Ø    If I won some money, I'd go round the world.
Ø    My father would kill me if he could see me now.
نحن نستخدم القاعده الثانيه للتعبير عن مواقف غير حقيقيه ونتائجها المحتمله ..
فالموقف غير محتمل, مستحيل, خيالى, متعارض مع حقائق معروفه
Ø    If I were the president of my country, I'd increase taxation.
Ø    If my mother was still alive, she'd be very proud. ولكنها ميته
Ø    If Ahmed needed any money, I'd lend it to him. ولكنه لا يحتاج
Ø    I'd give up my job if I didn't like it
Ø    My father would kill me if he could see me now.
Ø    What would you do if you saw someone shoplifting?
Ø    If you needed help, who would you ask?
1-   الافعال الناقصه الاخرى يمكن ان تاتى بدلا من would
Ø    I could buy some new clothes if I had some money.
Ø    If I saved a little every week, I might be able to save up for a car.
Ø    If you wanted that job, you'd have to apply very soon.
2-   تعبير if I were you, I'd ….. يستخدم عادتا لاعطاء نصائح :
Ø    If I were you, I'd apologize to her.
Ø    I'd take it easy for a while if I were you.
3-   الحاله الاولى ام الثانيه؟
كلا القاعدتين تشير الى الحاضر والمستقبل لكن الاختلاف بينهم فى الاحتماليه ليس الوقت
عادتا واضح اى القاعدتين تستخدم فالجمله فى الاولى حقيقيه وممكنه اما جمل القاعده الثانيه فتعبر عن مواقف سوف محتمل لن تحدث
Ø    If I lose my job, I'll… حاله شركتى سيئه واحتمال قوى لبدايه حدوث فائض
Ø    If l lost my job, I'd … احتماليه الفائض سوف لا تحدث انا فقط افكراو اتامل
Ø    If there is a nuclear war, we'll all … (تقال من متشائم)
Ø    If there was a nuclear war, … لكن انا لا اعتقد انها سوف تحدث
4-   الحاله الثانيه ام الثالثه ؟
القاعده الثانيه لتخيل الاشياء الغير حقيقه فى الحاضر بخلاف القاعده الثالثه فى الماضى
Ø    If they weren't at home, the door would be locked.
اما القاعده الثالثه لتخيل الاشياء الغير حقيقيه فى الماضى ...
Ø    If they'd seen us, they would have waved.

القاعده الثالثه
David: how was your camping holiday?
Mike: well, it would have been all right if it hadn't rained all the time.
Harriet: if we'd gone two weeks earlier, we'd have had better weather.
انها امطرت وانهم لم يذهبوا اسبوعين مبكراً فهى مواقف خياليه فى الماضى.
If + had + P.P, would have + P.P
1-   تخيل الاشياء الغير حقيقيه فى الماضى
2-   التعبير عن استحاله حدوث فعل فى الماضى
3-   الندم لحدوث فعل ما كان يجب ان يحدث
Ø    If it hadn't rained yesterday, we would have enjoyed our trip.
Ø    If you had got up earlier this morning, you would have seen them.
1-   يمكننا ان نخلط بين النوعين من الاشتراط ( بين القاعده الثانيه الثالثه ) فى جمله واحده الجزء الاول يشير الى الحاضر والجزء الثانى يشير الى الماضى
Ø    If they weren't at home, they would have locked the door.
Ø    If you'd broken your leg, you wouldn't be able to walk.
2-   لاحظ كيف امكننا اشراك must, might, can't مع الجمل الشرطيه
Ø    They must be at home otherwise the door would be locked
Ø    You can't have broken your leg, if you had, you wouldn't be able to walk.
Zero conditional
 مضارع بسيط + مضارع بسيط If +
تستخدم هذه القاعده للتعبير عن حقائق علميه وكلمه If هنا تاخذ معنى when
Ø    If you pour oil on water, it floats
Ø    If you heat ice, it melts

حالات حذف IF
فى الحاله الاولى
نضع should مكان if
Ø    If I open the door, I'll see Ahmed
ðShould I open the door, I'll see Ahmed
فى الحاله الثانيه
اذا كانت had فعل اساسى نحذف if  ونضع had ثم الفاعل ونكمل باقى الجمله
Ø    If I had money, I would buy a car.
ðHad I money, I would buy a car.
اذا كانت were فعل اساسى نضعها فى بدايه الجمله
Ø    If I were happy, I would dance.
Ø    Were I happy, I would dance
اذا كان الفعل عادى نبدا بـ were ثم الفاعل ثم نضع to ونكمل باقى الجمله
Ø    If I started, I would leave,
ðWere I to start, I would leave.
فى الحاله الثالثه
تحذف بعده طرق كالاتى
Ø    If I hadn't eaten fish, I wouldn't have grown.
ð   Had I eaten fish …
ð   Without having eaten fish, I wouldn't … بدون
ð   But for eating fish, …بدون

بعض القواعد المتعلقه بالجمله الشرطيه
In case = If
بعض الكلمات لها نفس قاعده if وهم
In case - providing that – provided – as long as – on condition that – only if- even if
ولكن case of
In case of فى حاله / by بالـ / with مع+ Ving / Noun
If she studied hard, she would pass
In case of studding hard, she would pass.
اما but for – without فياتى بعدهم Ving
و unless ومعناها لو لم فنقس قاعده  if ولكنها منفيه اى تعكس طرف من الطرفين اما الشرط او النتيجه

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