
vendredi 17 décembre 2010

جمـــلة الطريقة Clause of Manner

جمـــلة الطريقة
Clause of Manner
الطريقة بصورة عامة
قبل ان نشرح جملة الطريقة نوضح كيفية التعبير عن الطريقة بصورة عامة حيث توجد
ثلاث طرق للتعبير عن الطريقة :
·        بأستخدام الظرف المنتهي بـ ( ly )
·        بأستخدام ( in a ..... manner or  way )
·        بأستخدام (with + abstract noun phrase)
وكما هو موضح بالمثال التالي ...
الطريقة الاولى
confidently  (الاكثرشيوعاً)
He spoke
الطريقة الثانية
in a confident manner (جداً رسمية )
الطريقة الثالثة
with confidence ( رسمية )
وهذه امثلة اكثر بغرض التوضيح ...
She stirred her coffee thoughtfully before answering. (بشكل مدروس )
The task was done in a workmanlike manner. (بطريقة بارعة)
His father stopped and looked in a startled manner at his mother. (بطريقة مذهلة)
I answered without hesitation.(بدون تردد )
يمكن استخدام (like this , like that , this way , that way ) بمعنى
( in this / that manner) مثل ...
I’m sorry you had to hurt yourself like this.
Please, Ralph, don’t talk like that.
ويمكن حذف ( in ) الموجوده قبل ( way ) في اللغة الانكليزية الغير رسمية مثل ....
Monica and her sister do their hair (in) the same way. (يمكن حذف مابين الاقواس )
جمـــلة الطريقة و المقارنة
عندما تريد ان تتحدث عن تصرفات شخص ما او الطريقة التي تم او انُجز فيها شيئاً ما , فأنك تستخدم جملة الطريقة , والتي تبدأ بأحدى ادوات الربط التالية
as if
as though
وكما في الامثلة التالية ...
Tom cooks turkey as my mother did.
I don’t understand why he behaves as he does.
They hunted him as a tiger stalks its prey.
She treats me (as if, as though) I were one of the family.
·        وكذلك يمكن استخدام ( like , the way , in a way ) كأدوات في جملة الطريقة , وكما في الامثلة التالية ...
Sarah Morgan came into the room like a ghost.
I was never allowed to do things the way I wanted to do them.
He was looking at her in a way she not recognise .
We have to make it work in the way that we want it to.
·        وتستطيع ايضاً ان تستخدم هذه التعابير للمقارنة بين الطريقة التي تمت بها عمل شيء مع طريقة اخرى , وكما في الامثلة التالية ...
Surely you don’t intend to live by yourself like she does?
Mary looked at her the way a lot of girls did.
·        ولأستخدام مقارنة قوية استخدم ( just as )
You can think of him and feel proud, just as I do.
·        بأستخدام ( much as ) فان المقارنة تكون ضعيفة , مثل ...
These tanks speed across the desert, much as they did in world war ІІ.
·        تكون ( as if , as though ) متبوعة بفعل ماضي , وكما في الامثلة التالية ...
He behaved as though it was nothing to be ashamed of.
She felt as if she had a fever.
His hair looked as if had been combed with fingers.
·        لاحظ انه يمكن استخدام ( were ) بدلاً من ( was ) في الجملة التي تبدأ بـ
(as if , as though) مثل ...
She shook as if she were crying, but she made no sound.
I felt as if I were the centre of the universe.
You talk as though he were already condemned.  (مُدان )
·        ويمكن وضع ( just ) قبل ( as if , as though ) للتأكيد , وكما في الامثلة التالية ...
He had no right to run off and leave her alone, just as if she was someone of no importance at all. (ليس لديه الحق في تركها وحيده كما لو كانت شخص غير مهم على الاطلاق)
·        لتحويل جملة الطريقة المُعقدة الى جملة طريقة بسيطه نحول ( as if , as )
الى ( according to) او ( like ) وتكون متبوعة بأسم , وكما في المثال التالي ...
She talked to me as if she were an old friend. (معقدة )
She talked to me like an old friend. ( بسيطه)
You must do as the teacher advises you. (معقدة)
You must do according to the teacher’s advice. (بسيطه)

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